6 Easy Ways to Have a Successful Open House

6 Easy Ways to Have a Successful Open House

  • Carly Seiff
  • 12/28/22

The days of open houses meeting the bare minimum are long gone. Modern-day homebuyers expect more than a basic advertisement, a dull brochure, and a clean home when visiting open houses. Making your open house memorable has become priority number one. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to accomplish this to get your home seen and sold quickly. Follow this guide for open house tips for sellers to ensure your property stands out among the rest of the San Mateo real estate market.

1. Deep clean & declutter

Nothing will send potential buyers running for the door faster than dust bunnies and pet hair strewn about the property. While you should focus on larger projects such as cleaning the floors and carpeting, don’t forget to pay close attention to the details. Clean all countertops, baseboards, windows, and windowsills, and make sure the kitchen is pristine. Tiny details may be difficult to spot when you live in the home day in and day out, but a buyer will certainly notice them. Do your part to declutter the living room, kitchen, master bedroom, main bathroom, and other prominent areas. Leave the deep cleaning to a professional cleaning crew.

2. Boost curb appeal

Photo courtesy of Carly Seiff
Decorating your home’s exterior to attract potential buyers is called curb appeal, and it’s vital to selling a home. When listing your San Mateo home for sale, you want to put your home’s best foot forward by creating an enticing backdrop where buyers will be encouraged to explore the home’s interior. Note that the more appealing your home exterior is, the more curb appeal it exudes and the higher the chance of selling the property. Consider the following factors when boosting your property’s curb appeal.
  • Spruce up the garden by raking leaves, mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, and doing general maintenance.

  • Re-paint the front door with a colorful hue to draw interest or keep it neutral to appeal to a larger pool of buyers. Either way, a freshly painted door will revitalize your entryway.

  • Power wash your driveway, fix any cracks in the pavement, or consider adding some plants, stones, or lighting for an aesthetic and valuable appeal.

  • Replace your tattered fence with a low-maintenance gate made of composite, steel, vinyl, or aluminum.

  • Take your home exterior to the next level by executing outdoor remodeling projects, whether it’s installing new landscaping elements or an impressive water feature.

3. Advertise effectively

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock
Putting your trust in a real estate agent to market your home is a smart move. An agent like Carly will utilize their network, place signs in front of the house, and post to various websites, including Zillow, realtor.com, Trulia, and the Multiple Listing Service. While your real estate agent will use various resources to advertise your open house, you can still do your part to let people know about the event. Advertising online is crucial, but that is not the only way to spread the word.

In addition to posting the info on social media, placing an ad in your community’s newsletter or newspaper and posting brochures to a popular store’s bulletin board will draw attention. Ask your agent to help you strategically place signs around the neighborhood on the day of the open house. This will give neighbors a chance to browse your San Mateo home on a leisurely Sunday afternoon, eliciting interested buyers, or at the very least, getting the word out that your piece of San Mateo real estate is for sale.

4. Prepare for visitors

Photo courtesy of Carly Seiff
It may be obvious that you’ll need to declutter your home and stow away your children’s toys, but preparing your home for an open house spans further than that. Deep cleaning and sprucing up the home is crucial prior to listing the property, while the following are distinct preparations for open houses.
  • Ensure the home is camera-ready, giving the property a deep clean and decorating the main rooms to persuade buyers to make an offer. You want buyers to feel welcome to envision their lives playing out in the home.

  • Let in an abundance of natural light by opening all the blinds and drapes and turning on all light fixtures.

  • Clear the driveway of all vehicles.

  • Consider baking some cookies, serving refreshments, or taking it up a notch by providing a catered lunch. This small yet effective tactic will make your home feel warm and welcoming.

  • Showcase your home’s beauty through the seasons by posting photos taken at various times of the year.

  • Play music throughout the home to create a more exciting, intriguing atmosphere.

5. Keep your distance

Considering that you’ve hired a great real estate professional like Carly to take the lead on most tasks associated when listing your San Mateo home for sale, there is no need for you to be present during open houses. Making yourself scarce is key for prospective buyers, so they can picture their families living on the property. In order to give buyers the headspace to imagine themselves living there, remove all family photos from hallways, the living room, the kitchen, and other main areas. Remove all evidence of family pets on the day of the open house by bringing them with you, removing litter boxes, and vacuuming all carpets to remove any pet-related odors.

6. Hire an experienced real estate agent

Whether you’re just warming up to the idea of putting your home on the San Mateo real estate market or you have a thought-out plan to move to another city, you’ll need the assistance of a competent real estate agent to sell your property. Reach out to Carly Seiff for all your real estate needs. As an award-winning and top-producing Realtor® and a San Mateo resident, Carly Seiff is the perfect agent to walk you through every step of the home-selling process, from beautifying your property to hosting successful open houses. Contact Carly today to achieve your luxury real estate goals.

*Header photo courtesy of Carly Seiff

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